Two faculties of the University of Łódź - the Faculty of Management and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology - have received official IACBE accreditation for their English language programmes: Business Management (WZ) and Economics (WE-S). The accreditation confirms that the University of Lodz meets the requirements such as: efficient functioning, high level of didactics, innovative management, good relations with business and high value of the diploma which counts on the job market.

This decision closes a three-year period of work on preparing an application for membership in IACBE, an application to become a candidate for accreditation, and finally a self-assessment report and an application for granting the first accreditation to selected programmes.
The bachelor`s and master`s degree programmes in Business Management and Economics were subject to a multi-stage accreditation procedure starting in 2018. During this time, we hosted IACBE representatives at UniLodz several times, most recently in a remote format in September 2020, and a comprehensive and detailed self-evaluation report was developed.
IACBE, or the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (formerly known as the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education), based in the state of Kansas, USA, is recognized as the leader in accreditation for business education programmes. The quality certificate awarded by IACBE confirms that the university meets specific requirements concerning efficient operation, high level of didactics, innovative management, good relations with business and high value of the diploma which counts on the job market.
The initiator of the application was Robert Kozielski, Ph.D., professor of the University of Łódź, from September 2020 Vice-Rector for UniLodz Development. The accreditation application was prepared by a team composed of Agnieszka Kurczewska, PhD, Professor of the University of Łódź (from September 2020, Vice-Rector for cooperation with the UniLodz environment), Justyna Wieloch, PhD, Aneta Żak, MA, Jerzy S. Czarnecki, PhD, Piotr Gabrielczak, PhD, Tomasz Uryszek, PhD, and Maciej Turała, PhD, Professor of the University of Łódź, who coordinated the team`s work.
- It is with great satisfaction that we have accepted the decision to grant our application for IACBE accreditation for the Business Management and Economics programmes. The process of obtaining accreditation was long and demanding, therefore we are proud to join the group of programmes whose educational quality and meeting international norms and teaching standards are confirmed by the globally recognized IACBE brand. We are sure that the accreditation will allow us to further develop our programs and to exchange best practices with business and education leaders, and thus to offer even greater value to our students, graduates and the job market - emphasizes Maciej Turała, PhD, Professor from the Faculty of Management at the University of Łódź, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation.
The studies at the accredited faculties are conducted entirely in English and are a real pride of the University of Lodz. Business Management graduates have the ability to perceive business in many dimensions and can easily find employment in an international environment in positions related to management, analysis and decision-making in a company. They are also prepared to run their own business. In turn, studies with a major in Economics enable students to gain a thorough knowledge of the mechanisms functioning in modern economies and to acquire analytical skills necessary to solve economic problems in business practice. In the course of studies in both fields, students gain knowledge about the role of international connections and relations between the economy and its environment.
The IACBE has accredited more than 1,800 business programs at universities worldwide. UniLodz has just joined this group as the first Polish public university.
- Lodz has a rich tradition of education in business. Both our faculties draw on these traditions. I think that thanks to the obtained accreditation, we have proved that we are still an outstanding center in this field on a national scale and that our educational standards are at the level of the world`s best," said dr. Piotr Gabrielczak from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Lodz, Vice-Dean for International Relations.
The process of obtaining foreign accreditation was co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education from the European Social Fund as part of the Foreign Accreditation project launched in 2017.

Source: Faculty of Management and Faculty of Economics and Sociology

Text: University Promotion Department


In 2019 The Faculty of Economics and Sociology and the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz has been awarded the status of Candidate for Accreditation by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, USA. In granting candidacy status, the IACBE has determined that the business programs in the following degrees at the listed locations are eligible for accreditation:

  • Master in Business Management at the Faculty of Management
  • Master in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology
  • Bachelor in Business Management at the Faculty of Management
  • Bachelor in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology



The International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) was founded   in 1997 and is nationally-recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The IACBE is the leader in mission-driven and outcomes-based programmatic accreditation in business and management education for student-centered colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions throughout the world. The IACBE has hundreds of member institutions and campuses worldwide and has accredited over 1,500 business and business-related programs in the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and South America.

The IACBE’s World Headquarters are located at 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, 66215, USA. For more information, please visit the IACBE’s website at www.iacbe.org