Cena wielkiej ciszy - debata o "społecznych kosztach" transformacji

Place of the event: POW 3/5, 90-255 Łódź
When: 03 November 2022 (Thursday) 17:00 - 19:00

University of Lodz, together with the Topography Association (in Polish: Stowarzyszenie Topografie), welcome everyone to a series of debates on the effects of political transformation in Lodz.

The upcoming meeting entitled ‘Price of Great Silence – Debate on the 'Social Costs' of Transformation’ will be held on Thursday 3 November at 5 p.m. at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, P.O.W. 3/5

The concept of "Social costs" of the transformation is a – more or less hidden – assumption about the inevitability and non-alternative nature of the transformation path adopted by the Polish authorities in the 1980s. "Shock therapy" has been spoken of as a bitter but necessary medicine. Setting the discussion in such a way favours pushing the experience of entire social groups beyond the "rational" dispute about the legacy of systemic changes. We also lose sight of the element of political agency by forgetting that the way in which the costs of political and economic reforms were socialised, was the result of a combination of decisions and omissions, based on very clear ideological assumptions.

During the discussion with the participation of the invited experts we would like to have a closer look at achievements of social research on systemic transformation in Lodz.

The discussion will be attended by:

It will be chaired by: Dr Magdalena Rek-Woźniak

It has been more than 30 years since Poland embarked on a path of a political transformation, a difficult change spread over the years, which included a rapid reconstruction of the economy as well as the whole society.
Lodz, an industrial giant and the second largest city after Warsaw, has been particularly affected by the transformation changes. Decommissioning of the industry, unemployment, shrinking city and broken social networks do not fit into the story of a successful path to free markets and democracy.

The audience, apart from the substantive debate, will have the opportunity to receive a unique publication. Everyone who takes part in at least 3 of 4 debates will get the book "Wielki przemysł, wielka cisza. Łódzkie zakłady przemysłowe 1945 - 2000" [Big Industry, Great Silence. Industrial plants of Lodz 1945 - 2000"], published in 2020 by the Lodz University Press and the Topography Association. The book was recognised as the best book about Lodz in the year of publication by the Jozef Pilsudski Regional and Municipal Public Library in Lodz.

ADMISSION to all the events is FREE OF CHARGE.

The project partners include: Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz, University of Lodz and Museum of Art in Lodz

Task "The end – change. Debates on the transformation in Lodz after 1989", is carried out thanks to the co-financing from the budget of the City of Lodz.

Task: Printing of the book "Wielki przemysł, wielka cisza. Łódzkie zakłady przemysłowe 1945 - 2000" was implemented thanks to the co-financing from the budget of the City of Lodz. 

Source: Topography Association
Edit: promotion Centre, University of Lodz

Event details

Place of the event: POW 3/5, 90-255 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 03 November 2022 (Thursday) 17:00 - 19:00

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