KIERUNEK: Coaching i mentoring organizacyjny



Are you interested in economy? Would you like to learn how markets work and e.g. will we be able to pay with Bitcoins for Spotify and Apple Music access? Start your studies in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology and you will get to know the newest economic trends and mechanisms, especially in the context of galloping globalization and the growing interest in environment protection and sustainable development issues. Economic degree opens doors for jobs in marketing, sales, management, financial or investment consulting. Our studies will prepare you for the career in public/local administration, NGOs and for setting up your own business. 

The program in ECONOMIES received: 

  • accreditation certificate of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, 
  • a distinction grade from the Polish Accreditation Committee in the Internationalization category, 
  • accreditation certificate and "Studia z Przyszłością" Quality Mark awarded by the Foundation for Development of Education and Higher Education and PRC Agency (program ECONOMICS in Polish), 
  • extraordinary certificate "Quality Leader in Education Studia z Przyszłością awarded by the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education and PRC Agency (program ECONOMICS in Polish). 

The three-year undergraduate program in ECONOMICS at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz is intended to provide students with tools that will allow them to describe and analyze economic and social reality. Those who have ever wondered about the following issues…

  • Should health insurance be mandatory?
  • Which pension funds are more reliable: public or private?
  • Will you soon be able to pay with bitcoins for access to Spotify and Apple Music?
  • Why are some branded clothes in Poland several times more expensive than in the US?
  • Will debt relief really help the poorest African countries get out of the poverty trap?
  • Why is Venezuela, which has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, also one of the poorest countries in the world today?
  • Will the rapid technological progress and automation of production soon lead to a situation in which most people who are currently working will be unemployed?
  • If I run my own company after graduation, should I invest in advertising or focus more on introducing new products?

should choose studies in ECONOMICS at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz.

Undergraduate students in ECONOMICS do not learn how to fill out forms for the tax office or the Social Insurance Institution. Economics is a science that allows them to understand behaviors and choices, both at the micro and macro-level. During the program, students will learn to answer questions about the causes and consequences of actions taken by themselves, entrepreneurs and politicians. They learn abstract and critical thinking so that they can solve problems themselves and seek answers to the above questions.

Studies in ECONOMICS will enable you to get the proper preparation for active participation in business life. Graduates know the latest trends and mechanisms of the global economy and are prepared to meet the requirements of the modern labor market.

The program of studies in the field of Economics consists of modules of economic subjects, as well as non-economic subjects, necessary to understand the economic issues. We also offer modules for elective courses and specialization modules.

The core curriculum includes courses such as: Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Mathematics; Statistics; Basics of Econometrics; Accounting and Finances of Enterprises; Basics of International Economics

The study plan


The aim of this module is to prepare students for applying their knowledge on economics to solving real-life business and economic problems, using quantitative methods. In the  contemporary economy, which is increasingly dependent upon knowledge, skills related to data analysis are becoming more and more important in the decision-making processes. The graduate will be equipped with theoretical knowledge on economic processes, as well as methods of quantitative analyses  of these processes, enabling conducting independent economic  analyses.


The choice of this specialty allows students to acquire knowledge and skills related to sustainable economic development and ecology, as well as prepares them for work in organizations dealing with environmental protection issues;

Our graduate demonstrates also general knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of managing natural resources, according to the sustainable development principles, as well as on the implementation of ecosystems management, and eco-innovations, corporate social responsibility, waste and water-sewage management, national and international goods and services markets in various kinds of organisations and regions. A graduate understands the nature of close links between the economy and the environment, as well as the environmental impact issues, so that he/she is able to understand current political, social and economic phenomena. Our graduate is ready to make use of his/her economist profession in domestic and international organisations dealing with environmental issues, especially related to the implementation of environmental management systems.

The programme of studies in -Eco-business enables shaping a number of skills, thus responding to the needs and expectations of local, national and international labour markets. Graduates of Economics-Eco-business studies can potentially find employment at: enterprises, banks, financial and insurance institutions, central and local administrations, non-profit organisations of typically economic and financial nature, state administration, organisations and institutions , ministries (e.g. ministries of: economy, environment, regional development, agriculture) and governmental agencies, whose remit includes management of natural resources.


Our specialization will equip you with the knowledge, skills and competencies essential in business world. We will explain basic strategies that firms adopt to expand international and succeed. You will get to know in details business operations such as manufacturing, marketing, importing, exporting, transport, logistics and finance – how to perform them and win in the complicated international business environment. 

After graduating International Business you can get a managerial position in transnational corporations, small and medium enterprises, trade, transport and shipping companies, promotional, analytical and consulting firms, public administration and many, many more!

Just give yourself a chance, take this opportunity and let us be your guide in the business maze!


  • the terminology used in economics, its sources and application in the social sciences at an extended level,
  • other social sciences (sociology and psychology, law and philosophy, management) and their relationship to economics,
  • contemporary and historical economic trends, their basic assertions and a critical evaluation of them,
  • an assessment of economic phenomena in the national, international and intercultural perspective,
  • quantitative tools used in economic research and used to solve decision-making, strategic and operational problems – also in dynamic terms,
  • conducting independent advanced economic analyses.


  • to use both basic and extended theoretical knowledge in the field of economics and related disciplines in order to formulate practical applications useful for decision-makers,
  • to analyze and interpret various economic problems,
  • to analyze and predict the effects of economic decisions based on knowledge of economic theories as well as quantitative and qualitative research techniques,
  • to prepare advanced reports, analyses and expert reports which facilitate making correct economic decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk,
  • to work in a team solving specific tasks in the field of economics,
  • to perform a managerial role and independently select the means and method of work in order to effectively perform emerging professional tasks.


  • the ability to work and interact in a group,
  • openness to cooperation and building relationships within the expectations of others,
  • the ability to manage teams,
  • the ability to engage in discussions and formulate their own position in the course of their work and to indicate arguments in support of their opinion, while remaining open to arguments in favor of other views,
  • attention to the reliability of conducted analyses and the accuracy of the argument,
  • awareness of the need to constantly expand knowledge and improve skills.


  • as a specialist in industrial, commercial and service enterprises, and public administration (central and local),
  • as a specialist in economic and management matters,
  • as a financial and investment advisor, business analyst, sales and marketing specialist or economist,
  • in non-profit organizations.

Fluent knowledge of at least one foreign language enables graduates to take up employment both at home and abroad.

The graduates are also prepared to run a business independently.

  • Standard full-time completion of the program is 3 years (6 semesters),
  • No more than 30 students can be accepted,
  • Tuition fee: Zał.nr 17 do ZR 149 z dn.17.05.2021)
  • First year - 2500 PLN
  • Second year - 2500 PLN
  • Third year - 2500 PLN
  • The program ends with a bachelor exam and the graduate gets a Bachelor degree which is legal prerequisite for continuing studies at a Master level.

Małgorzata Śliwińska
, M.Sc.
phone.: (48) 42 6355132
POW Street 3/5, 90-255 Łódź
room: C12


Are you interested in economy? Would you like to learn how markets work? Will we be able to pay with Bitcoins for Spotify and Apple Music access? Start your studies in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology and you will get to know the newest economic trends and mechanisms, especially in the context of galloping globalization and the growing interest in environment protection and sustainable development issues. Economic degree opens doors for jobs in marketing, sales, management, financial or investment consulting. Our studies will prepare you for the career in public/local administration, NGOs and for setting up your own business. 

The program in ECONOMICS received: 

  • accreditation certificate of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, 
  • a distinction grade from the Polish Accreditation Committee in the Internationalization category, 
  • accreditation certificate and "Studia z Przyszłością" Quality Mark awarded by the Foundation for Development of Education and Higher Education and PRC Agency (program ECONOMICS in Polish). 

The MSc Economics provides students with in-depth knowledge of the phenomena and problems of an economy at the micro- and macroeconomic scale. The major allows students to acquire skills useful in economic analysis and the decision-making process. The studies consist of modules of economic subjects as well as non-economic fields relevant to the understanding of economic issues. Students acquire knowledge of economic theory, the practice of economic life and analytical methods used in research on the economy. Diploma holders will have acquired knowledge and competencies that allow them to find interesting employment in a wide range of institutions and the sphere of social life.


  • Completion of the program gives broad knowledge in the field of economics. It provides an understanding of the mechanisms behind contemporary economies, and makes it possible to develop knowledge and skills with regards to quantitative tools and methods used in economic research or employed to solve practical business problems,
  • Studies in economics shape graduates with appropriate attitudes and social competencies, allowing them to play an active role both in social and economic life
  • The courses and specialties taken by students allow them to gain practical skills, which are further developed during internships and voluntary services.
  • the program is directed at those who are oriented towards benefiting from the possibilities created by European integration and the development of the global economy. After completion of the program, students are well prepared to work in companies, organizations and institutions, both on local and global markets.

Important subjects include, among others: Advanced Microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Development Economics, International Economics, Capital Market, Econometrics and Forecasting.

The study plan



This specialty allows students to acquire knowledge and skills related to understanding and implementation of sustainable development, as well as prepares them for work in environmental organizations.

The advance knowledge proposed at the second cycle studies is focussed on the Circular Economy- the most promising and optimal development path for both regions and the entire planet in the near future. The idea of the circular economy lies in the fact that it is the economy based on the closed circuit, where nothing is wasted, everything is used  and garbage, if it arise, is the raw material.

The circular economy is thus the economy, in which production and consumption are organized in such a way that the value of products, components, materials and resources is stable maintained in value chains of productions and supplies. The objective is to maximize resource efficiency and to minimize the extraction of resources and production of waste.

Methods and instruments for the development of the economy towards circular economy (in different sectors) and positive good practices in this field will be discussed during lectures and practical classes.


The aim of this module is to prepare students for carrying out independent analyses within the field of economics, using advanced quantitative methods, as well as to broaden their knowledge on non-mainstream economic concepts and the linkages between economics and politics. The graduate will be prepared to conduct independent analyses in all institutions, where advanced economic knowledge is utilized, drafting reports on the economy, formulating assessments and policy conclusions, economic forecasting and computer-based processing of statistical data.


The specialization is addressed to everyone who wants to deepen the knowledge of modern international business (IB) and its trade and investment environment.

You will learn about national differences in culture, international trading system and their importance for managers. We will explain strategies and structures of the firm allowing it to successfully compete with rivals from other countries. After graduating IB you will become the professional who knows how to run effectively international transactions and manage companies operating in international markets, search for and wisely use financial resources, create reasonable business plans, be aware of the impact of cultural differences on business.

Your knowledge, skills and competencies in IB will open you the doors not only to transnational corporations, small and medium enterprises, trade, transport, logistics and insurance companies but also to public administration and analytical 

One of the main goals of education is to prepare graduates to the needs of the labor market, to pursue the profession of economist in various economic entities, and to set up and run their own business. Therefore, the curriculum for Economics, combining knowledge, skills, and competences in the field of economics, accounting and finance, takes into account both national and international patterns as well as the needs of the labor market.

The aim of second-cycle studies is to:

  • transfer an in-depth knowledge in the field of economic and complementary sciences, on the phenomena and problems of management at the micro- and macroeconomic scale,
  • apply the acquired knowledge in the implementation of current strategies for economic development on a global scale,
  • prepare the graduate to use the knowledge gained about phenomena and economic processes in practice, to formulate practical independent conclusions and creative interpretation of various economic problems,
  • educate a graduate who is active in the group (community), i.e. has the knowledge and skills in economics at an advanced level and is characterized by such competences, to play such an active role, focused, apart from self-education and self-improvement, first of all on public activity (in different scale and at different levels of social structures).

A graduate shows the following general learning outcomes:

  • highly specialized and up-to-date knowledge in the field of economics and related sciences,
  • versatile and extended - in relation to first-cycle studies - economic knowledge and skills to use in practice the knowledge acquired during studies,
  • the ability to conduct an independent economic analysis and modeling the course of economic phenomena,
  • understanding economic mechanisms found in modern economies and the ability to evaluate the latest scientific achievements in the field of economic sciences,
  • the ability to form their own opinions on economic phenomena and to present their substantive justification, indicating cause and effect relationships of economic processes,
  • the ability to integrate knowledge from various fields and to use it in order to solve specific problems and conduct research,
  • the ability to make rational decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk, using quantitative and qualitative methods in the decision-making process, assessing at the same time the rationality and effectiveness of presented solutions, indicating alternative solutions of the decisions made,
  • readiness to manage a team of people, and select the means and methods of work in order to effectively perform emerging professional tasks,
  • creativity in the search for optimal solutions,
  • honesty and reliability in conducting research and in professional work and the ability to manage human teams,
  • the ability to plan activities, especially in the context of running your own business.

Graduates can take up employment:

  • as an economic and management specialist, financial and investment advisor, business analyst, sales and marketing specialist or economist,
  • as specialists in industrial, commercial and service companies, public administration (central and local),
  • in enterprises operating in the financial sector,
  • in scientific and research institutions,
  • in non-profit organizations.

Graduates are also prepared to run their own businesses. The interdisciplinary and flexible curriculum of economics studies takes into account the needs of the job market and promotes the careers of the graduates.

  • Standard full-time completion of the program is 2 years (4 semesters),
  • No more than 20 students can be accepted,
  • Tuition fee - 2500 PLN, (Zał.nr 17 do ZR 149 z dn.17.05.2021)
  • The program ends with an exam and the graduate receives a master`s degree.


Małgorzata Śliwińska, M.Sc.
phone.: (48) 42 6355132

POW Street nr 3/5, 90-255 Łódź
room: C12


If you want to study in Polish, please check our offer at the following website: Offered Majors

If you want to learn Polish, please contact: The School of Polish for Foreign Students.