Spotkania networkingowe na EkSocu

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Spotkanie 11 grudnia 2023 

Tym razem wystąpi Ranadeva Jayasekera, PhD(Cambridge); ACMA(UK); F.T.C.D, Professor in Accounting, Trinity College; University of Dublin, Associate (Finance) Judge Business School; University of Cambridge.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formule zdalnej na MS Teams. Rejestracja trwa do 8 grudnia. 

Formularz rejestracyjny

Sylwetki naukowców: 

Ranadeva Jayasekera PhD( Cambridge); ACMA(UK); F.T.C.D
Professor in Accounting 
Trinity College; University of Dublin
Associate (Finance) 
Judge Business School; University of Cambridge
Topic of the speech: Green accounting and climate finance
Areas of expertise: Market efficiency/failure characteristics, Real Options applications, capital structure issues
Ranadeva Jayasekera holds a first-class honours BA (Mathematics and Physics) from the University of Colombo and a PhD in Accounting & Finance from the University of Cambridge. He is a professionally qualified accountant with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and has served at a senor capacity in three (Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PwC) of the Big Four global accounting firms in London, Auckland and Colombo. 
He is a Professor in Accounting and Finance at the Trinity Business School and an Associate in Finance at the Judge Business School, Cambridge, and is a former faculty member of the University of Southampton (UK). He also serves as a Visiting Professor at Poznan Economics University (Poland) and Linkoping University (Sweden). He is widely published with over 25 publications in highly ranked international refereed journals on the broader role played by financial markets and economic agents on the creation of information asymmetry that effects positive and negative outcomes to the society. He has been awarded research grants in excess of £150,000 and is currently conducting research with the Asian Development Bank in the areas of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)/climate change. Ranadeva has lectured at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education levels, and has won numerous awards (e.g., British Chevening Scholarship, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Award, Trinity Research excellence award, Trinity teaching excellence award) for scholarly research and teaching. He contributes to the curriculum revision process of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and is an officer of the British Accounting & Finance Association, Financial Markets and Institutions Special Interest Group.