Stage I of recruitment - submission of applications by UL students in USOSweb - will start on 13.02.2023 (Monday) at 12:00 (noon) and will last until 02.03.2023 (Thursday) at 12:00 (noon).

After submitting the application, EkSoc students are also required to complete the form:


Stage II of the Faculty recruitment process - obtaining grade point averages by the Coordinator from the Student Service Centre, interviews, awarding mobility to students in USOSweb: 3.03.2023 (Friday) - 15.03.2023 (Wednesday).

16.03.2023 - 22.03.2023 - time to submit appeals against the decisions of qualifying commissions at respective faculties of the University of Łódź and to supplement the information in USOSweb by the student and the Coordinator concerning the semester of mobility, the study programme under which the student will pursue mobility, received scholarships/disability certificates, etc.

In the application form, please enter the number of months with funding.

In the case of students transferring from first to second cycle studies, please register for the mobility in the summer semester 2023/24 (the scholarship will be paid from 1.10.2023, when the person will have the status of a second cycle student).

By 24.03.2023 - announcement of the final results of the recruitment after possible appeals available in USOSweb and the deadline by which the student will submit the candidate application form (scan) printed from USOSweb with signature to the Coordinator or the Faculty. Qualified students transferring from first cycle to second cycle should provide a statement regarding continuation of studies in the next cycle;

by 29.03.2023 (Wednesday) - submission by the Coordinators of the recruitment protocol, list of students participating in the recruitment: qualified for the trip and reserve students, together with printed and signed application forms, statement on the continuation of studies from the students qualified for the mobility in the next cycle of studies;

from 1.04.2023 to 31.05.2023 - verification of received documentation and sending nominations by BWZ to partner universities.


EkSoc ERASMUS CAFE (hybrid form):

  • 2.02.2023, 10.00 a.m.
  • 13.02.2023 at 10.00 a.m. 

Spotkanie informacyjne by Biuro Współpracy z Zagranicą

  • 22.03.2023, 10.00 a.m. Meeting in Polish (online on Teams, link
  • 23.03.2023, 10.00 a.m. Meeting in English (online on Teams, link

BWZ ERASMUS CAFE (stationary form):

  • 28.02.2023 r.

Details of information meetings will be added soon.


Students and staff of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Łódź can take advantage of the benefits of the Erasmus Plus programme through scholarship mobility to universities in 28 European Union countries, as well as EFTA/EEA countries (i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and EU candidate countries (Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). The mobility is made possible through cooperation agreements with universities from all over Europe, which have been signed for years.

Since 2014, the Erasmus Mundus programme has also been part of the Erasmus Plus programme, which allows mobility of students as well as research and teaching staff within specific actions (e.g. the Research Fellowship Programme action within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action in Horizon 2020) to non-European countries. Erasmus Mundus activities are coordinated by the Office for International Educational Projects at the University of Łódź.

Erasmus Plus provides benefits for all parties to the agreement - it helps to improve the quality of education in the countries participating in the programme through the development of international cooperation between HEIs, exchange of experiences, monitoring visits of programme coordinators, and it also supports the wide-ranging mobility of students through studies or professional practice abroad.

Information on mobility for studies and internships abroad within the Erasmus Plus programme can be found on the website of the International Students Office and on the official website of the programme. You can also visit the office of the Faculty Development Centre in room C17 and discuss your mobility plans in person with the office staff.


Mobility, i.e. study abroad within the Erasmus Plus programme, is an idea for life and a chance to study abroad for all full-time students of our Faculty. First-, second- and third-cycle full-time students can apply at a time specified by the National Agency (usually at the end of January or the beginning of February) by filling in an application in USOSweb.  All students have a chance to be awarded a place at one of the many universities with which our Faculty cooperates. This is a unique opportunity to live and study far from home, be the beneficiary of a world-renowned programme and make it an asset on your CV.


The Faculty's offer is varied; you will find more than a hundred universities with which the Faculty cooperates. The choice depends on your courage, fantasy, dreams and life plans, but also on the grade point average of our students. The higher the average, the better the chances of being awarded a place at a prestigious university. The Faculty has agreements with universities from 28 European countries, which allows it to prepare its offer each year in such a way that it meets the tastes and needs of every student.


  • Burgas Free University BG BOURGAS01 
  • University of Economics – Varna BG VARNA04

  • Sveučilište u Dubrovniku HR DUBROVN01  
  • University of Rijeka HR RIJEKA01  
  • Sveučilište u Zadru HR ZADAR01 

  • University of Cyprus    CY NICOSIA01

  • Brno University of Technology    CZ BRNO01
  • Technical University of Liberec    CZ LIBEREC01
  • Technical University of Mining and Metallurgy Ostrava    CZ OSTRAVA01
  • Czech Univeversity of Life Sciences    CZ PRAHA02
  • Univerzita Karlova    CZ PRAHA07
  • České vysoké učení technické v Praze    CZ PRAHA10
  • Tomas Bata University of Zlin    CZ ZLIN01

  • University of Tartu    EE TARTU02

  • Yliopisto    SF TURKU01

  • Université d'Angers    F ANGERS01
  • Université Catholique de l' Ouest    F ANGERS04
  • Université Catholique de Lille    F LILLE11
  • Université Lumière Lyon 2    F LYON02
  • Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III)    F LYON03
  • Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III)    F MONTPEL03
  • Université Côte d’Azur Nice    F NICE42
  • Université Paris Nord (Paris XIII)    F PARIS013
  • ISCOM | Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité     F PARIS404
  • Université de Rouen - Haute Normandie    F ROUEN01

  • ​​​​​​​Europa-Universität Flensburg    D FLENSBU01
  • Frankfurt University    D FRANKFU01
  • Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen    D GIESSEN01
  • Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg    D MAGDEBU01
  • Universität Regensburg    D REGENSB01

  • Epiros Institute of Technology    G ARTA01
  • University of Ioannina    G IOANNINA01
  • Penepistimio Kritis, University of Crete    G KRITIS01
  • Elliniko Mesogeiako Penepistimio, Helenic Mediterranean University    G KRITIS05
  • Panepistimio Macedonias    G THESSAL02

  • University of Debrecen    HU DEBRECE0
  • University of Miskolc    HU MISKOLC01

  • Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro    I BARI01
  • University of Sannio    I BENEVEN02
  • LUM Giuseppe Degennaro    I CASAMAS01
  • Università degli Studi di Catania    I CATANIA01
  • University of Genova    I GENOVA01
  • University of Milan, Università degli Studi di Milano    I MILANO01
  • University of Milan - Bicocca    I MILANO16
  • Universita degli studi di Napoli Federico II    I NAPOLI01
  • Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (University of Campania Luigi Vivantelli)    I NAPOLI09
  • Università degli studi di Padova    I PADOVA01
  • University of Palermo    I PALERMO01
  • Universita degli Studi di Parma    I PARMA01
  • University of Pisa    I PISA01
  • Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"    I ROMA02
  • Universita' Degli Studi Di Salerno    I SALERNO01
  • Universita degli Studi di Trento    I TRENTO01
  • Università degli Studi dell' Insubria    I VARESE02

  • University of Limerick    IR LLIMERIC01

  • Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas    LT KAUNAS01
  • Vilnius University    LT VILNIUS01
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University    LT VILNIUS02
  • Kazimiero Simonavičiaus Universitetas    LT VILNIUS24

  • University of Latvia    LV RIGA01

  • International Balkan University    MK SKOPJE04
  • International University of Struga    MK STRUGA01

  • University of Malta  MT MALTA01

  • HOGSKOLEN I INNLANDET, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences    N ELVERUM02

  • Univeristy of Azores    P ACORES01
  • Universidade de Aveiro    P AVEIRO01
  • Universidade do Minho    P BRAGA01
  • Universidade de Coimbra    P COIMBRA01
  • Universidade da Beira Interior    P COVILHA01
  • Universidade de Évora    P EVORA01
  • Universidade do Algarve    P FARO02
  • Instituto Politecnico Da Guarda    P GUARDA01
  • Instituto Politecnico do Porto    P PORTO05
  • Cooperativa de Ensino Superior de Service Sociale    P PORTO11
  • Escola Superior de Educacao de Paula Frassinetti    P PORTO21

  • University Transilvany of Brasov    RO BRASOV01
  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași    RO IASI02
  • University of Oradea    RO ORADEA01

  • Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica    SK BANSKA01
  • Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave    SK BRATISL02

  • University of Deusto    E  BILBAO02
  • Universidad de Alcala de Henares    E ALCAL-H01
  • Universidad de Alicante    E ALICANT01
  • Universidad de Almería    E ALMERIA01
  • University of Extremadura     E BADAJOZ01
  • University of Cadiz     E CADIZ01
  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha    E CIUDA-R01
  • Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche    E ELCHE01
  • Universidad de Granada    E GRANADA01
  • Universidad de Jaén    E JAEN01
  • Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria    E LAS-PAL01
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid    E MADRID03
  • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia    E MADRID01
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid    E MADRID04
  • Universidad de Malaga    E MALAGA01
  • Mondragon Unibertsitatea     E MONDRAG01
  • Universidad de Oviedo    E OVIEDO01
  • Universitat de les llles Baleares    E PALMA01
  • Universidad de Cantabria    E SANTAND01
  • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela    E SANTIAG01
  • Universidad de Sevilla    E SEVILLA01
  • Universidad Pablo de Olavida    E SEVILLA03
  • Universidad de La Laguna    E TENERIF01
  • Universidad de Valencia    E VALENCI01

  • University of Lucerne CH LUCERNE01

  • Linköping University    S  LINKOPI01
  • Högskolan i Gävle    S GAVLE01
  • Örebro University    S OREBRO01

  • Ankara University    TR ANKARA01
  • Hacettepe University    TR ANKARA03
  • Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi    TR ANKARA24
  • Akdeniz University    TR ANTALYA01
  • Balikesir University    TR BALIKES01
  • Uludag University    TR BURSA01
  • Istanbul Universitesi    TR ISTANBU03
  • İstanbul Technical University    TR ISTANBU04
  • Marmara Üniversitesi    TR ISTANBU05
  • Dogus University    TR ISTANBU12
  • Koc University    TR ISTANBU17
  • Erciyes University    TR KAYSERI01
  • Gebze Technical University     TR KOCAELI01
  • Celal Bayar University    TR MANISA01


Information on mobility trips for students and faculty can be obtained from the Faculty Development Centre - Room C17 (Tel: 42 635-5040), Tuesday to Thursday between 9:00 and 15:00.

For detailed information, please contact:

dr Marzena Krawczyk: 

mgr Dorota Borkowska

Dean's proxy for mobility programmes

dr Ewa Feder-Sempach,

Field of studies Coodinators: 

dr Agnieszka Drzymał
kierunki: Economics in English
pokój A-318, dyżur: wtorek 18.00 - 19.30