Students who are distinguished by very good academic performance and exemplary fulfilment of their duties may be awarded prizes and distinctions by the University of Łódź:

  • Medal "For Glorious Studies"
  • Congratulatory letter from the Rector of the University of Łódź
  • Award for service to and for the benefit of the University of Lodz

For their work for the development and promotion of the student community of the University of Łódź, as well as for their outstanding sports achievements promoting the University, students may be awarded

  • Rector's Award


The medal "For Glorious Studies" may be awarded to a graduate of the University of Łódź who meets all of the following conditions:

  • graduated on time,
  • have obtained a very good grade in the diploma examination,
  • obtained a grade point average for their studies, which is not lower than, respectively:
    • a graduate of the first-cycle studies and long-cycle studies - 4.7450;
    • graduate of second-cycle studies - 4.845.
  • distinguished by significant academic achievements and scholarly activity, 
  • The student will be able to work with other academic centers, publish, create artistic works, participate in scientific conferences, take part in competitions, receive awards and honors, demonstrated exemplary ethical and collegial behavior.

In one field of study of a given field of studies there may be no more than:
(a) 2 medals for graduates of first-cycle studies.
b) 2 medals for graduates of second-cycle studies.

Detailed conditions for awarding "For Glorious Studies" medals are defined in the Rector's Ordinance No. 44 of 20.12.2021 as amended concerning the rules for awarding "For Glorious Studies" medals.

Applications for the "For Glorious Studies" medal should be submitted to the Studente Service Centre in room D-4 by October 15.

Application for the "For Glorious Studies" Medal


Starting from the academic year 2017/2018, a congratulatory letter from the Rector of the University of Łódź for a given academic year may be awarded to 10% of the best students/graduates of a given course, selected from among the students/graduates who meet the following conditions together:

  • passed the year of studies in a given academic year by September 30,
  • obtained a grade point average for that year of at least 4.6500.

Detailed rules of awarding the Rector's Congratulatory Letters are defined in the Rector's Ordinance No. 43 of 20.12.2021 on awarding the Rector's Congratulatory Letters.


The following distinctions are introduced at the University of Lodz:

- Distinction - for student or doctoral student activity for and to the benefit of the University of Lodz.

The distinction is awarded at the justified request of the Head of the basic organizational unit of the University of Łódź or the Director of the COSiD UŁ. It is awarded to students or doctoral students for their organizational or scientific-research activities for the benefit and good of UŁ (taking into account good academic results in the case of students).

After the distinction has been awarded by the appropriate Vice-Chancellor of UŁ, the winner should actively work for the benefit and welfare of UŁ for at least one year.

- Medal UNIVERSITAS LODZIENSIS ALUMNO LAUDE DIGNISSIMO - for outstanding student or doctoral activity for the benefit and welfare of the University of Łódź.

The medal is awarded by the Senate of the University of Łódź upon the justified request of the appropriate Vice-Rector of the University of Łódź. Candidates for the medal may be recommended to the appropriate Vice-Rector by the head of the basic organizational unit. The medal is awarded to students or doctoral students for outstanding organizational or scientific-research activities for the benefit of and for the benefit of UŁ (including good academic results in the case of students).

A student/doctoral candidate awarded the medal should actively work for the benefit and good of UŁ for a period of at least 3 years.

Details of the rules for awarding distinctions are set out in the Rector's Order No. 48 of 27.02.2014. 
on the principles of awarding students and doctoral students for their activity for the benefit and good of the University of Lodz


The Rector's awards may be granted to students of the University of Łódź who are actively involved in the following student government bodies:

1) University Student Self-Government Council,

2) Faculty Student Self-Government Boards

3) Faculty Students' Scholarship and Welfare Committees

4) Academic Students' Scholarship and Welfare Committee,

5) The Academic Housing Estate Council,

6) The Residents' Councils of the individual Student Residence Halls,

as well as to the students of the University of Łódź:

7) who are members of the UŁ Senate,

8) who are members of the Colors,

9) who are involved in the development and promotion of the University, also by achieving high sports results.

The application referred to in para. 1 should be submitted to the Chairperson or, upon his/her authorization, to the Vice-Chairperson at the seat of the University Council of the Students' Self-Government between 2 and 20 January during the winter semester, and between 2 and 20 May during the summer semester.

Regulations for granting awards along with the application