Conditional semester credit [Polish warunkowe zaliczenie semestru, colloq. "warunek"] – is a situation when a student has failed one or two subjects in a year/semester and they have successfully applied for having the semester credited even though they have not fulfilled all the requirements. The student is obliged to retake the failed courses in the following semesters. The conditional semester credit can only be given for two courses in a year. The student is charged 600 zl for each retaken course, paid in the semester he/she will be retaking the course. In case a student failed more than two courses, they are obliged to apply for a repetition of a semester/year.

Course [Polish przedmiot] – is a set of classes carried out by one or two lecturers during one semester on a given topic.

Course coordinator [Polish koordynator przedmiotu] – is a lecturer who administers and records final course grades given based on course components.

Course credit [Polish zaliczenie przedmiotu]– is a grade and a number of ECTS points a student gets when fulfilling course requirements.


Dean [Polish Dziekan] – is the head of a faculty - usually Vice Deans will also be called `Deans`. See who the Dean of our Faculty is.

Diploma exam, defense (of the Thesis) [Polish egzamin dyplomowy, obrona pracy] – is an exam finishing your studies you take after you submit your BA/MA thesis.
In short:

  • you attend your BA/MA seminars
  • you keep working on your Thesis
  • together with your Supervisor you decide on the title and the deadline to finish it
  • when your Thesis is finished you upload it to APD system
  • system checks it for possible plagiarism
  • if there are no problems the system will inform you
  • then you print your Thesis from the APD system and add two appendices
  • you frame it in soft-covers and bound it (Copy Room at our Faculty will do it for you)
  • you put a CD (containing Thesis in PDF) inside your printed Thesis and sign it with a marker
  • get supervisor signatures
  • submit complete Thesis to the Student Service Centre asap
  • good luck!

Diploma seminar [Polish seminarium dyplomowe] – is a course you take to prepare your BA/MA thesis.

Diploma supplement [Polish suplement do dyplomu] – is a document you get along with you BA/MA diploma, it lists all the courses, grades and ECTS points you have obtained during your studies.

Diploma thesis [Polish praca dyplomowa] is a dissertation you need to complete - to take diploma exam - to obtain your BA/MA degree.


Electronic clearance slip [Polish elektroniczna karta obiegowa] - since academic year 2017/2018 it`s an electronic checklist you need to fulfil (done online on USOSweb - by the student and several UL employees) in order to be able to take final diploma exam.

Examination  session  [Polish sesja egzaminacyjna] – is a time at the end of every semester when exams are held, it is divided into general examination session (usually two weeks) and make-up examination session (usually one week).

Extension of the deadline for submitting the diploma thesis [Polish przedłużenie terminu złozenia pracy dyplomowej] – is an extra time a student can get after their final semester to complete their BA/MA thesis. The time cannot be longer than 1 month - but ONLY in exceptional and well-documented cases (ie. long-term illness or child-birth).


First–cycle studies, also called Bachelor`s studies [Polish studia pierwszego stopnia, licencjackie] – first degree, three year studies.


Grade [Polish ocena] – is a mark you are awarded by a lecturer or examiner for your course performance or exam, the following grades are used in the Polish academic system:

  •                 5 - very good
  •                 4,5 (4+) – more than good
  •                 4 – good
  •                 3,5 (3+) – more than satisfactory
  •                 3 – satisfactory
  •                 2 – unsatisfactory (fail)


International Students Office (ISO), [Polish Biuro Współpracy z Zagranicą, BWZ] - it is an office (on Matejki 21/23, inside the dorm) that you first meet during your admission, it also takes care of Mobility and Erasmus+ incoming students, as well as with issues of students of our Faculty who want to participate in the exchanges.


Make-up examination session [Polish sesja poprawkowa] – is a period after the general examinations session when students who failed their exams in the first attempt can get a second chance to pass them. It takes place after the general examination session at the end of winter semester and in September after the end of summer semester.


Rector [Polish Rektor] – is the head of the University. See who the Rector of the University of Lodz is.

Rules of study [Polish Regulamin studiów] – is a set of rules that all the students have to follow


Second-cycle studies, also called Master`s Studies [Polish studia drugiego stopnia, magisterskie] – second degree, two year studies.

Student Service Centre, also called (incorrectly) a Dean’s Office, [Polish Centrum Obsługi Studenta, old Dziekanat] – is a link between the authorities of the Faculty and the students, you deal with all your administrative student’s issues there. If you aren`t sure about something, ask your questions there.

Student card, also called Student ID card [Polish legitymacja studencka] – is your student identification card, you need to show up at the Students’ office after completing every semester to get an extension and a new hologram.

Student number, also called student card number, register number, [Polish number albumu] – is a 6-digit number of your Student card, you will be asked to state this number every time when dealing with administrative issues or submitting an application.

Supplement/diploma supplement [Polish suplement dyplomu] – is a document you get along with your BA/MA diploma, it lists all the courses, grades and ECTS points you have obtained during your studies.


Thesis supervisor [Polish promotor pracy] – is an academic teacher carrying out your diploma seminar and supervising your BA/MA thesis, this person will also be present at your diploma exam.


Year Reperesentative [Polish starosta roku] - is a student chosen by other students in the given year who represents their year when communicating with the units of the Faculty or University. 

Year Tutor [Polish opiekun roku] - is an academic teacher who is responsible for assigned to a group/year of students.



przygotowane przez Centrum Rozwoju Wydziału / made by Faculty Development Centre 

The only available free WIFI network at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology is „Eduroam”.

Eduroam enables users to access Wifi network in any institution in the world which participates in the project. In a typical situation, a laptop/tablet/phone user can access the network without the need to configure. Settings used at your home university/institution allow your device to access Eduroam anywhere it is available.

Access details for students of the University of Lodz are the same as for USOSweb after activating the Active Directory account (ID in a form of name.surname@unilodz.eu  or name.surname@edu.uni.lodz.pl). Both full time students and Erasmus Plus/Mobility Direct students can activate the accounts.

To see how to configure Eduroam on various operating systems check screenshots in „Konfiguracja Eduroam – manualna” section. Equally you can use Eduroam WiFi profile installer from https://cat.eduroam.org/ (be sure to choose Uniwersytet Łódzki).

Connecting to Eduroam means you accept these regulations: http://www.eduroam.pl/Dokumenty/eduroam_users_v2_18_10_2013.pdf

Remember – you are responsible under court of law for every illegal action you take via Eduroam WiFi connection!


If you need help or assistance please contact:

  • e-mail: eduroam@uni.lodz.pl
  • phone: +48 42 635 5996


Students who still have not activated Active Directory account, are advised to do it as it is obligatory for full time students starting in academic year 2017/2018. Here is the instuction how to activate the Active Directory account.


Source: https://www.eduroam.org/about/connect-yourself/

Where can I use eduroam?

Whether you’re moving across campus or spending time studying or working at another research and education institution, eduroam gives you seamless internet connectivity.
More than 6,000 eduroam hotspots are available at universities, research centres, academies, many schools, and other research and education institutions in more than 70 territories around the world. As eduroam grows, more and more hotspots are appearing in additional places such as libraries, museums and public spaces such as railway stations and coffee shops.

What does it cost?

Thanks to global agreement, the eduroam Wi-Fi roaming service is free-of-charge to users.

How does it work?

With eduroam installed on your laptop, mobile phone or other device there’s no need to request special accounts or borrow other people’s IDs – just activate your device and you should be online.

eduroam’s secure and privacy-preserving technology means that there is no need to enter usernames and passwords through insecure web browser forms. Your device will identify a valid eduroam access point and log-in automatically. Your password is never shared with any of the access points.

Your password for your online identity is provided to you by your ‘home’ institution – where you are enrolled in study or are employed.

Wherever you see ‘eduroam’ appear in your list of Wi-Fi networks, you can get online.

Interactive map of Eduroam institutions.


First steps at the University of Lodz and at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology

  1. When you come to Łódź, first you need to go to the International Students Office of the University of Lodz (Uniwersytecka Street 3) to submit your documentation.
  2. When your documentation gets from there to our Faculty, you can come to the Student Service Centre to sign the agreement, the student pledge, get your student card and USOS details.
  3. In contact with University employees (including COS employees) it is obligatory to use the address with the university domain @ edu.uni.lodz.pl ONLY. The student e-mail account is generated together with an account for the USOSweb system. (instructions on starting the domain @ edu.uni.lodz.pl)
  4. Check the current Academic Calendar to make sure you know about all the breaks, holidays, days off as well as about exam periods.
  5. Classes start around 1st of October, check your schedule on our website or your USOSweb. If you have any questions, come to Student Service Centre (room D4).
  6. Language declaration – during the first month at the Faculty, you should fill in the language declaration (if you are a second year, transfer student, you should do it immediately after the beginning of the academic year).
  7. Online courses you are obliged to do during your first semester of studies: Occupational Safety and Health Training as well as Library Training and Copyright Training. Do not miss the deadlines!
  8. Follow our Faculty’s website and UL International Students Office facebook page to find out about events, conferences and contests.
  9. Study hard and remember not to miss the exam period!

Good luck!


It is important for coming students to know which office is their main source of information. 

Whether you are an Erasmus or Mobility Direct Student, or you benefit from the agreements that our University has with our Chinese partners, you have to learn two important addresses.

First one is the address of International Students Office (ISO) (Uniwersytecka Street 3) which you visit before you even come to us. All your documents are gathered there and are then sent to the Student Service Centre at our Faculty.

Once you complete your application process, you can visit us at the Faculty. Once here, full-time and Erasmus or Mobility students go to different offices.


If you are going to be a full-time student here, please come to room D4.

Please take a ticket from the Dispenser at the Faculty before visiting.

Student Service Centre (room D4)

If you are an Erasmus / Mobility Direct / Summer School student coming to Lodz you can come to room C16

Things to do there:

  • Erasmus and Mobility Direct students pick up their Student Card here
  • We give you the list of courses so that you can arrange your timetable
  • You leave here Changes to Learning Agreement if there are any (a Changes to LA sheet is available at our office)
  • We help you with any communication obstacles of any nature that you may have with your teachers

We also try to help you if you face legal troubles like getting a ticket on a bus or a tram (but we strongly recommend you to avoid them!).

Ms Dorota Borkowska

Room: C 16
Phone: +48 42 635 4814
E-mail: dorota.borkowska@uni.lodz.pl 
Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

Ms Katarzyna Cierniewska-Grudzień

Room: C 16
Phone: +48 42 635 4814
E-mail: katarzyna.grudzien@uni.lodz.pl
Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.



Each foreign student should have insurance in the form of an insurance policy in the event of sickness or accident for the period of education in Poland, or a European Health Insurance Card or confirmation of joining the National Health Fund insurance. Having insurance is a precondition for undertaking and completing education in Poland.


Citizens from outside the EU / EEA may enter Poland on the basis of a valid travel document (passport) and a visa or residence card. The visa is obtained at the Polish consulate or at the visa center in the country of residence. A student visa is usually issued for up to one year. For a visa, you will need a certificate of admission to studies, confirmation of payment for studies, place of residence and sufficient funds to study in Poland for the period of the visa (approximately PLN 14,000).

Here you will find information on: 

  • registering your stay in Poland longer than 3 months (citizens of EU/EFTA counties and Switzerland)
  • obtaing your student residence permit (citizens of non-EU/EFTA countries) if you choose not to apply for visa every year. 

Foreign students of full-time studies are not required to apply for a work permit if they wish to take up employment of studies as long as they have a valid visa or residence permit. 

[source: International Students Office]

Citizens of the European Union, Switzerland and countries belonging to the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) may enter Poland without a visa and remain on the Polish territory without legalising their stay for three months. If a period of stay in Poland is longer than three months, the EU citizens are obliged to register their stay. In order to obtain the residence permit, documents have to be submitted by the student in person by the first day of the 4th month from their entering the Republic of Poland.

Here are the steps you need to undertake to register your stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland. 

1. Make an appointment

Before submitting your documentation required for registering your stay above 3 months, make an appointment on the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners`.

2. Prepare documentation

On the day of your appointment submit the following documents: 

- an original filled in application form and a copy of filled in application form 
- a photocopy of your valid ID document
- a document entitling you to health insurance on the territory of the Republic of Poland
- a document proving sufficient financial means to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland 
- a statement from the university confirming you are a student 

Information and documents

3. Submit the documents 

Deliver the documentation on the day of your appointment to Piotrkowska Street 103. Rememeber to provide your current mailing address and phone numer so that the Department officers can contact you when your registration is ready. 

4. Pick up your registration. 


  • Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców
    Oddział Cudzoziemców
    ul. Piotrkowska 103, 90-425 Łódź
    (+48) 42 664-17-08

Citizens of non-EU/EFTA countries should obtain a visa from a Polish diplomatic post in their country before coming to Poland. If they wish to prolong their stay in the Republic of Poland, an application for a temporary residence permit should be submitted to a voivode competent for the place of the student`s planned stay no later than on the last day of legal stay in Poland.

I. Procedure

The procedure of obtaining your student permit might be time-consuming but it is not very complicated, especially if you don`t wait till the last moment. First student residence permit is issued for 15 months from the date of decision issue, the second till the end of your studies at a given level. 

Below you will find a list of steps you need to take. Depending on your individual situation, the procedure may take longer or be a little different.

1. Schedule an appointment at the Department for Civil Affairs and Foreigners. 

Book the appointment at the official website of the department to avoid queues. Schedule an appointment a lot in advance, 5-6 months before your visa expires, especially if you want to be mobile (go home for summer holiday or travel). If you don't mind staying in Poland during the procedure, you may even apply on the last day of your visa validity, however, you have to also remember about booking the appointment.

You need to submit your documents the latest on the last day of your legal stay in Poland (the last day of your previous residence permit/visa)

2. Prepare your documentation well. 

If you submit all the necessary documentation on the day of your appointment, you may avoid unnecessary prolonging of the procedure. Every time the officers discover there is a missing document in your paperwork, they will send you a letter and prolong your procedure. Below you will find a list of necessary documents. Decide whether you want to have the decision delivered by post or you want to pick it up yourself. You will also need to decide whether you want the card with or without address, if you choose with the address you will need to provide a proof of `zameldowanie` - living registration confirmation. 

Application forms

3. Make sure to provide correct postal address and check your mailbox regularly.

If you receive letters from the office and respond to them in time, you may have the procedure delayed or cancelled. Make sure the office has your current mailing address (home address in Lodz) and that you check it regularly. 

4.  Pick up your decision and get place of stay registration (zameldowanie).

Once you get a paper decision about being granted residence permit (in person or by post), it takes at least a month to get your residence card. To do this you need to deliver a document confirming your place of stay registration (zameldowanie). After you deliver the document, you may wait for a text message informing you about your residence card. You may also request your card to be issued without the address and then you don`t need to submit the `zameldowanie` address.

5. Pick up your card

Your first student residence card will be valid for 15 months, the second till the end of your studies at a given level.

II. Documents

The list of necessary documents that you must present at the Łódź Vivodeship Office (Department for Civil Affairs and Foreigners):

  • two copies of legibly filled application form (one original one copy)
  • four passport photos (35 mm x 45 mm)
  • photocopy of your passport photo page and all the stamped pages (visas etc) of the passport to present
  • a health care insurance for at least a year
  • a certificate from the Students Office confirming that you are a student of the University of Lodz
  • sufficient financial means to cover the costs of living in Poland (at least 701 PLN or equivalent in another currency for every month of your stay  + enough money for your accommodation for all your stay) and return trip to the country of origin or residence (200 PLN I you are from country neighboring Poland or 2500 PLN if you are from a country not being a member of European Union) - best to have the money in a Polish bank and provide the bank balance in Polish. 
  • the proof of payment for issuing the permit (340 PLN fee) and for the card (25 PLN)
  • a document declaring your monthly accomodation spendings

All the documents must be in Polish.

III. Payments

Payment for the procedure

Transfer title: Opłata skarbowa 340 zł
Beneficiary: Urząd Miasta Łodzi
Bank: Getin Noble Bank S.A. w Katowicach, II Oddział Łódź
Bank account: 50 1240 1037 1111 0011 0925 0073 ​​​​

Payment for the card

Transfer title: Opłata za wydanie karty pobytu 25 zł
Beneficiary: Łódzki Urząd Wojewódzki w Łodzi
Bank account: 88 1010 1371 0097 0022 3100 0000


IV. Address of the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners

103 Piotrkowska Street, 90-425 Łódź


V. More information 





Students of the University of Lodz are obliged to do sworn translations of the documentation concerning their education from the countries where they did high school or Bachelor degree.

It is best to contact sworn translator directly. Here is the list of sworn translators accredited by Polish Ministry of Justice.

You have to choose the language and the city and try to contact the translator. Remember that they speak your language so you do not need to speak Polish to communicate with them.

If you are not sure what documents you should translate, please contact Student Service Centre or International Students Office.



Recognition is a necessary formality upon arrival for holders of foreign school leaving certificates (not applicable to EU, EEA, OECD, Ukraine, Belarus and China).

To be recognized, you need:

  • a legalized or Apostille original of a foreign certificate (a diploma or other document confirming graduation from a school abroad);
  • a certificate stating that the submitted certificate entitles you to apply for admission to higher education at any type of higher education institution in the country in which the institution issuing the certificate operates;
  • documentation of the course of teaching at a foreign school with a list of grades and sworn translations into Polish.
  • an application form to the Board of Education in Lodz. Download the application (wniosek). 

For Board of Education for recognition you might have to also translate more documents e.g. the transcripts. Please contact with Board of Education, they will tell you with documents for them you should translate.

Contact: Board of Education (Kuratorium Oświaty w Łodzi)
ul. Więckowskiego 33
90-734 Łódź

Contact person: Aneta Żurawska (please send an email to make appointment)
Tel.: 42 637 70 55 w. 21
E-mail: azurawska@kuratorium.lodz.p

In the absence of recognition confirmed by a certificate from the Board of Trustees, the University of Lodz cannot issue a graduation diploma. The final step towards such a student may be the resumption of the enrolment procedure and the revocation of the admission decision.

The recognition (nostrification) of the high school certificate takes place in Kuratorium Oswiaty in Lodz. For the purpose of recognition, the student needs to have his/her documents translated into Polish by a certified/sworn translator.

Kuratorium Oświaty w Łodzi (Board of Education in Lodz)

Address: ul. Więckowskiego 33, (please make appointment with Ms Aneta Żurawska, by sending an email to azurawska@kuratorium.lodz.pl)

Required documents:

1. Legalised original (or duplicate) of relevant education certificate(s).

Note: The original or a duplicate of a foreign certificate should be legalised by:

– A consul of the Republic of Poland based in the country where the certificate has been issued

In the case of certificate issued by an institution operating in the education system of a country which is party to The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (Journal of Laws of 2005 No. 112, item. 938 and 939), there is no need for legalisation. Instead, one can submit an additional Apostille issued by the competent authority of the state or country from which the certificate originates. The Apostille can also be placed on the certificate.

2.Statement stating that the submitted certificate entitles to apply for admission to higher educational institution of each type in the educational system of the country where the certificate has been issued (unless the certificate itself contains such information).

when applying for recognition of certificates as equivalent to the Polish Matura certificate

Note: The subjects who are entitled to issue the statement include:

– The educational authorities of the country where the certificate has been issued,

– An accredited diplomatic representative in Poland or a consular office of the country where the certificate has been issued

– A consul of the Republic of Poland based in the country where the certificate has been issued

3. Documentary evidence of learning containing a list of classes, number of hours, and grades received

when applying for recognition of foreign certificates as equivalent to the certificates of

completion of the Polish schools of the following types:

vocational school,

high school,

upper secondary school,

vocational high school,

post-secondary school.

4.Polish translation of the certificate (diploma), and other such documents made by a sworn translator included in the list of sworn translators held by the Minister of Justice or by the Polish consul to the country where the document was issued.

5. Passport

The nostrification of the BA diploma is held at the faculty at the university, related to the field of studies from which the student graduated. There might be additional costs.

More information you can find on the Ministry of Science and Higher Education website

The information is taken from the website of the International Student Office of the University of Lodz.