Every student of the University of Lodz must do the so called Occupational Safety and Health course. This is an online course and is obligatory for all students who start to study at the University of Lodz.
Failure to complete the training shall result in failure to complete the semester/study year, without the possibility of conditional promotion.
Important information concerning OHS at the University of Lodz
- OHS course (Test_BHP_IV_2023/24) is obligatory for all the new students of the University of Lodz, including I cycle, II cycle and III cycle, Erasmus, Mobility and other exchange programs students.
- The course is held in the first study semester, for students of all levels. The completion of the OSH course is a condition for crediting the first study semester. The deadline for completeing OSH course is 25.02.2024
- To do OSH course you use the same ID and password that you use for USOS. You will also need the Enrolment key, the Enrolment key for the Faculty of Economics and Sociology is: ES97
- The OSH course is listed in the USOS web platform directory as Szkolenie z BHP w Uniwersytecie Łódzkim, code 0000 BHP.
- You have to do OSH course every time you start your studies at the University of Lodz
- The OSH course is self-training – there are no teachers present on the web platform.
- OHS course consists of two parts:
- Online training + quizzes
- Online test
- OHS course can be accessed through https://moodle.uni.lodz.pl, where you choose `OSH course - informational materials`.
- The final OSH course consists of Multiple choice questions, you need to get 50% to pass it. The result you got is visible in the section `Grade`.
- If you encounter any problems with your OSH course, you might visit your Students Office or contact IT helpdesk: helpdesk@uni.lodz.pl.
For more info click here.
Course modules
Module 1 – Selected legal regulations on labour law, pertaining to OSH
- Introduction
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- List of sources of Polish law, including labour law
- University regulations
- Supervision and control of working conditions
- Bibliography and webography
Module 2 – Maintaining the conditions for occupational safety and health on the University`s premises
- General regulations
- Lighting
- Heating and airing
- First aid kits
- Workstand equipped with screen monitor
- Bibliography and webography
Module 3 – Instructions in case of a student accident, including first aid principles
- What is a student accident
- Actions to take
- General principles for first aid
- First aid principles for certain specific health hazards
- Bibliography and webography
Module 4 – Fire safety and environmental safety issues
- Environmental care
- Waste management principles
- Fire safety
3.1. Prevention and evacuation
3.2. Dangerous materials
3.3. Jobs connected with fire hazard
3.4. Handheld fire fighting equipment
3.5. Fire safety equipment
3.6. Fire fighting action - Bibliography and webography
Module 5 – Description of selected dangerous, harmful, and onerous factors
- Introduction
- Dangerous factors
- Harmful and inconvenience factors
- Occupational risk assessment
- Bibliography and webography
The course is obligatory for all students beginning their studies on 01.10.2016 and later,
legal basis: The UŁ`s Rector Disposition no. 68 from 06.04.2016
Failure to complete the training shall result in failure to complete the semester/study year, without the possibility of conditional promotion.
- the course is conducted entirely online
- to register for the course, go to moodle platform
- login as CAS user (like to your USOSweb)
- go -> courses -> prawo autorskie -> Training course in copyright 2023
- register using entry key: ES97
- take the course (approx. 15 closed-ended questions)
- deadline to pass the course is on 25.02.2024
- failing to pass the course till the deadline will be counted as failing a class
- Please ask organizational questions to Students` Office (deadline, why, how to login)
- Technical questions to IT Department of UŁhelpdesk@uni.lodz.pl (login problems, errors)
The Library Training Module has been created for all undergraduate students to develop their Library skills. The Training is a simple online course. Students can learn library skills at the suitable time and place.
Training Aims
The Library Training Course has been designed to provide an accessible user experience. During the course students find out how to register in the Library of the University of Lodz, which documents are necessary, how many books they can borrow and for how long and where the books can be returned.
Students will learn rules of using the Library resources, both printed and electronic ones, where the reading rooms and the Library departments are, what kind of collections are there available and how the collections of the Open Access area are disposed and how to borrow such items.
The training also presents how to order books and periodicals in the Library, borrow and return them and how to use the self-service machines for lending and returning books.
To do the Library Training and Test please log into: https://moodle.uni.lodz.pl, then find Library Traning.
Your Entrance key is the same as of OSH course, ES97
The deadline of doing the course and test is 25.02.2024